
You can learn more about the current exec on our About page.


President: Tiana Williams

Vice President: Ella Radford

Publicity Officer: Dylan Patel

Social Secs: Lloyd Jones & Sam Rees

Welfare Officer: Sam Wiener

Secretary: Rhianna Roberts

Treasurer: Will Fletcher

Language Officers: Meg Roberts & David-Leigh Waters


President: Sophie-Lee Edwards

Vice-President: Rhianna Roberts

Social Secs: Theo Teasdale & Ben Moruzzi

Treasurer: Darcey Holmes

Welsh Language Officers: Caleb Rees & Eryl Joy

Equal Opportunities & Welfare Officer: Tiana Williams

Publicity Officer: Zac Sim

Secretary: Harri Morgan


President: Carwyn Isac

Vice President: Melissa Cayford

Social Sec: Will Fletcher

Publicity Officer: Rebecca ?

Treasurer: Jac Fernández-John

Equal Opportunities & Welfare Officer: Kate Williams

Secretary: Elsie Roberts

Welsh Language Officers: Eryl Joy & William Gajraj


President: Eryl Joy

Secretary: Érin Kelly

Treasurer: Rhys Owen

Equal Op’s: Mari Jones

Safety and Welfare: Melissa Cayford

Vice President: Caitlin Williams

Publications: Meliha Hussain

Social Secretaries: Georgia Evans and Carwyn Sion

Welsh Language Officer: William Gajraj


President – Sophie Azzopardi

Secretary – Ciarán Eynon

Publicity Officer – Beth Evans

Social Sec – Emilia Crane


President: Brychan Williams

Treasurer: Rhys Morris

Secretary: Vicky Vale

Publicity Officer: Beth Evans

Social Secretaries: Andrew Rippington and Agatha Keyser Devlin

Language Co-ordinator: Ciarán Eynon


President: Lauren Buckmaster

Secretary: Vicky Vale

Treasurer: Jacob Jones

Social Secretaries: Andrew Rippington & Brychan Williams

Publicity Officer: Ewan Thomas

Welsh Language Co-ordinator: Eryn Fflur Evans

(Honorary Year Abroad Member: Lewis Mitchell )


President: Morfudd Owen

Secretary: Vicky Vale

Treasurer: Lauren Buckmaster

Language Co-ordinator: Leanne Ward

Social Secs: Lewis Mitchell & Shaun Malloy

Publicity Officer: Ewan Thomas


President: Hemma Gittins

Secretary: Cari Lake

Language Co-ordinator: Morfudd Owen

Treasurer: Rhys Jones

Social Secs: Molly Russell & Zoe Walker

Publicity: Sam Blurton


Presidents: Charlotte Fletcher & Nia Helyar

Secretary: Jeannie Corfield

Treasurer: Rhys Jones

Social Secs: Hemma Gittins & Elysha Cookson

IT & Publicity Officer: Carrie Evans

Language Co-ordinator: Cari Lake


Warwick Welsh Society is known to have also existed in the following years: 1975/76, 1979/80-1988/89, 1992/93-1994/95, 2011/12 – Present.

If you’re Welsh Soc alumni, we’d love to hear from you, and you can contact us on alumni@warwickwelshsociety.co.uk

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